I’ve just been sharing the resources that I feel to be particularly helpful and adding them to The Best Advice On Teaching K-12 Online (If We Have To Because Of The Coronavirus) – Please Make More Suggestions!
At a certain point, however, it just gets to be too much.
I’m probably approaching that time, and will likely begin reducing the number of related resources I’ll be sharing, though I am definitely interested in publishing guest posts from teachers who are trying to support their students online (see LET ME KNOW IF YOU’RE TEACHING K-12 STUDENTS ONLINE BECAUSE OF COVID-19 & WOULD LIKE TO WRITE A GUEST POST ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCES).
Here are today’s additions:
The document in this next tweet is very extensive, and mainly directed to college instructors. However, a lot of it is also relevant to K-12 teachers:
We are all in this together as people and as teachers. I am busy, as are so many of you, trying to pivot hard and fast to become an online teacher for all my juniors. Will share what I find that seems useful. For now, this: https://t.co/V7LwSd2I07
— Jim Burke (@englishcomp) March 15, 2020
These next two tweets share what I think are pretty creative ideas for supporting young learners without online access and can be adapted for older students:
I'm ready to send this home with my K-8 #ELL students if needed. As much as I love and use #edtech, these are all #techfree. They only need pencils, paper, and things they can find at home. Google Drive: https://t.co/Y47zl9ngvF #ellchat #ESL pic.twitter.com/oyjIuNwvBN
— Maria MC (@MrsMCESL) March 12, 2020
This is a 3 week K-8 EL distance learning plan with NO tech. We took @MrsMCESL's plan and added a week of our own. We made this optional since home life varies and our service mins are different. @FortMillESOL @FortMillSD #ellchat #distancelearning https://t.co/TqRsO3LzCc
— Laura McAulay (@lmcaulay04) March 13, 2020
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