TED-Ed just published an animated video and accompanying lesson about….poop, and I thought it would be a good opportunity for me to pull together various other resources I’ve shared over the years on the topic.

It’s actually a great subject for student engagement – despite protestations of “Ewww!”

Here’s what I got (let me know if you have other additions):

Today’s TED Ed lesson and video:

Here’s another TED-Ed lesson and video is on “Why isn’t the world covered in poop?”:

Here’s an experiment Dan Pink did to encourage owners to pick up their dog’s poop – I use it when we learn about Human Sciences in Theory of Knowledge classes:

3 ways to spot a bad statistic is the title of data journalist Mona Chalabi’s TED Talk (you can see the TED Talk video and transcript here).

I think it would be fine to skip the first few minutes of it, but after the first five minutes she does a great job teaching about how statistics can mislead. Even better, she includes examples related to pee and poop, so you know students are going to be engaged 🙂

It would be great to show IB Theory of Knowledge classes when studying math and/or human sciences.

Here’s the YouTube version of the talk: