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Based on a survey done in Ed Week, the journal suggests that student engagement in distance learning is “plummeting.”

My classes seem to holding fairly steady (especially in my live daily ELL Newcomers class), though a few in my IB Theory of Knowledge class who have been on the periphery from the start have pretty much disconnected.

In an effort to “hold on” to what I have, primarily with in TOK, I have invited students to complete a form that I will use to write a letter of recommendation for them.  In addition to using it to get my recommendation, they can then give it to others in the future as they gather additional ones.

In the past, I’ve had students complete a form based on a post by Chicago teacher Ray Salazar (see Here’s The Form I’m Giving To Most Students Who Want Me To Write A Letter Of Recommendation).

However, now, I decided I wanted students to complete something more broader and reflective – in other words, to make it an assignment that would really cause them to reflect a bit more on their lives.

Here is the form they are completing.  I’m eager to hear from readers how I can make it better!