Here are some recent useful posts and articles on educational policy issues (You might also be interested in THE BEST ARTICLES, VIDEOS & POSTS ON EDUCATION POLICY IN 2019 – PART TWO):
The latest on Sac City Unified Schools money: The district may run out by February 2021 is from The Sacramento Bee. I’m adding it to A BEGINNING LIST OF THE BEST RESOURCES FOR LEARNING ABOUT OUR SACRAMENTO DISTRICT’S FINANCIAL FIASCO.
Incoming head of nation’s largest teachers union says it’s time ‘to turn up that heat’ is from Chalkbeat.
Education is a top U.S. priority, and there’s wide support for online learning, poll finds is from The L.A. Times.
Joe Biden’s and President Trump’s education policy stances widely diverge is from The L.A. Times.
California charter schools sue state for not funding additional students this year is from Ed Source.
I’m adding this tweet to The Best Resources For Understanding How To Interpret Education Research:
Analysis of What Works Clearinghouse studies finds effect sizes in evaluations conducted by a program’s developers are 80% larger than those done by independent evaluators (g = 0.31 vs 0.14) with ~66% of the difference attributable to publication bias: ($)
— Dylan Wiliam (@dylanwiliam) August 5, 2020
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