Here are some recent useful posts and articles on educational policy issues (You might also be interested in THE BEST ARTICLES, VIDEOS & POSTS ON EDUCATION POLICY IN 2019 – PART TWO):

Lucy Calkins Says Balanced Literacy Needs ‘Rebalancing’ is from Ed Week. I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Learning About Balanced Literacy & The “Reading Wars”

Prop 15 failed here in California, which was very bad news for schools.

What Prop. 15’s defeat means for California schools is from Cal Matters.

I’m adding this next tweet to The Best Sites For Learning That Money Does Matter For Schools:

An Open Letter To President-Elect Biden: A Tutoring Marshall Plan To Heal Our Students is by Robert Slavin.

I’m adding the next few links to What Education Policies Can We Expect From The Biden Administration?:

Replacing DeVos: Contenders Surface for Biden’s Education Secretary Pick is from Ed Week.

What Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan would mean for borrowers is from CNBC.

Biden’s Education Department Will Move Fast to Reverse Betsy DeVos’s Policies is from The NY Times.

A big decision awaits Biden’s education pick: to test or not to test is from Chalkbeat.

On COVID and schools, President-elect Biden has promised a different approach is from Chalkbeat.