I’ll obviously be adding many more resources to this list next week when a lot more collections are posted around the web, but figured I’d get a head start today.

You can see all previous annual editions of this list, along with many other infographic-related resources, here.

I’m adding list list to ALL END-OF-YEAR “BEST” LISTS FOR 2020 IN ONE.

Here they are:

The Year in Review: 2020 in 20 Visualizations is from Visual Capitalist.

2020 in 20 charts is from Recode.

16 Charts that Changed the Way We Thought About America’s Schools This Year is from The 74.

The 40 Weirdest (And Best) Charts We Made In This Long, Strange Year is from Five Thirty Eight.

The Teaching Profession in 2020 (in Charts) is from Ed Week.

Best Data Visualization Projects of 2020 is from Flowing Data.

2020 The Year In Graphics is from Reuters.

Visual Capitalist’s Top 20 Visualizations of 2020

Our favorite Opinions visual essays and projects of 2020 is from The Washington Post.