BiljaST / Pixabay


Six years ago I began this regular feature where I share a few posts and resources from around the Web related to ESL/EFL or to language in general that have caught my attention.


Also, check out A Collection Of My Best Resources On Teaching English Language Learners.

In addition, look for our new book on teaching ELLs, which was published in the Spring of 2018 and learn about our next book.

Here are this week’s choices:

3 Essential Roles for Monolingual Teachers is by Tan Huynh. I’m adding it to The Best Advice To Content Teachers About Supporting English Language Learners.

Learn Hip lets you create an incredible number of games and online activities, primarily geared to help students learn English. I’m adding it to The Best Websites For Creating Online Learning Games.  Thanks to Blog de Cristina for the tip. Its Minimal Pairs Pronunciation Practice is particularly useful – it lets you speak the word you see and then tells you if you said it correctly or not (click on “speaking”).  Because of that feature, I’m also adding it to THE BEST SITES FOR ONLINE PRONUNCIATION FEEDBACK – DO YOU KNOW OTHERS?

I’m adding these two videos to The Best Resources For Using “If This Animal Or Image Could Talk” Lesson Idea In Class.  Students could have fun trying to imagine what they’re saying/thinking:

This next video could be shown to OLDER students, who could then write and talk about what they saw (it is classroom appropriate, but only for secondary classes):

The impact of self-assessment, planning and goal setting, and reflection before and after revision on student self-efficacy and writing performance is a new research study.

I’m adding this next tweet to The Best Ways To Use Photos In Lessons:

And, here’s another video to show students and then have them write and talk about what they saw:

Do English Language Development Curriculum Materials Matter for Students’ English Proficiency? is a new study.

Three ways to Improve Outcomes for Multilingual Learners is by Jana Echevarria.

Biden administration expands access to refugee program for Afghans who worked with US is from CNN.

Student Laptops For Virtual Learning Are Also Helping Parents Learn English is from NPR.

I like to use Quill with ELLs, and they have some free Webinars introducing teachers to how to use it.