AbsolutVision / Pixabay


I will be doing some columns – either in Education Week or in The Washington Post – about how students are feeling about the school year.

If you are interested in possibly having your students write for publication, I have created two sets of instructions – one is more scaffolded for English Language Learners.

You can have your students answer the questions and then send any that you think are worthy of publication to me at mrferlazzo at aol dot com.  In addition, I would need an email from their guardian saying something like this:

“I am the parent/guardian of __________________ and I give permission for his/her response to be published in Education Week or The Washington Post.”

The questions are:

What is the best thing about school this year?  Why?
What is the worst thing about school this year? Why?

Here are downloadable scaffolded instructions, sentence frames and a model, suitable for ELLs.

These are the instructions I gave to my IB Theory of Knowledge students:

Answer them with two ABC paragraphs, please:

ANSWER the question
BACK it up with evidence/examples
COMMENT about how the evidence/examples support your opinion


In an ideal world, I would receive responses before this Saturday.  However, February 11th would be the final deadline.