I’m adding these new resources to various “Best” lists. You can find links to all of those many lists that relate to race and racism at “Best” Lists Of The Week: Resources For Teaching & Learning About Race & Racism:
Op-Ed: King was a critical race theorist before there was a name for it is from The L.A. Times. I’m adding it to The Best Websites For Learning About Martin Luther King, Jr. and to RESOURCES FOR LEARNING ABOUT ATTACKS ON “CRITICAL RACE THEORY,” THE 1619 PROJECT & ATTEMPTS TO STOP EDUCATORS FROM TEACHING ABOUT SYSTEMIC RACISM.
Opinion: Take it from a high schooler who’s actually learned about CRT: Adults need to chill out is from The Washington Post.
The Micropedia shares everything you should know about microaggressions.
I’m adding this tweet to The Best Resources For Teaching About Confederate Monuments:
In December, Tennessee removed “the most hideous monument to Nathan Bedford Forrest in all the land,” writes @MargaretRenkl. But don’t be fooled: “Racism is not even close to being a relic of the past.” https://t.co/QuGxBk7xp0
— New York Times Opinion (@nytopinion) January 17, 2022
This is awesome! What a privilege it is to have access to have resources to help us in shaping conversations that aren’t the easiest to have!