Ten years ago, in another somewhat futile attempt to reduce the backlog of resources I want to share, I began this occasional “Ed Tech Digest” post where I share three or four links I think are particularly useful and related to…ed tech, including some Web 2.0 apps.

You might also be interested in THE BEST ED TECH RESOURCES OF 2021 – PART ONE, as well as checking out all my edtech resources.

Here are this week’s choices:

Globle is another Geography-like Wordle game. I’m adding it to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR USING WORDLE IN THE CLASSROOM and to The Best Online Geography Games.

Who is the Theranos of Education? is from Ed Surge.

Readlee is a new tool that uses Artificial Intelligence to help teachers and students measure reading fluency.  You can read all about it at Richard Byrne’s blog. As I’ve said before about other online tools (to be fair, though, that don’t have near the capabilities of Readlee), I am wary of measuring fluency this way because having students reading directly in front of me not only gives me a more accurate sense of the reading (at least, I think it does), but it’s also a great opportunity right before and afterwards for conversation and relationship-building.  I do think these kinds of online tools, though, can be good ways for students to do self-assessment by recording themselves reading the same text at various times of the year and hearing for themselves their progress.  If Readlee had also used their Artificial Intelligence component to give students immediate feedback on pronunciation, now that would make for an entirely different story, and I would be singing a different tune about it.  But, they don’t have that feature.  Too bad.  I’m still adding this info to The Best Resources On Reading Fluency (Including How To Measure It).

Alternatives to Vialogues for Annotating Videos is from Richard Byrne. I’m adding it to A Potpourri Of The Best & Most Useful Video Sites.

Text Chat Animator lets you create a video of an ongoing text chat that you, or students, can use in a video. I’m adding it to The Best Tools For Creating Fake “Stuff” For Learning.

Tweetlet lets you make a tweet look a bit more attractive if you want to share it on other social media platforms.