Here are some recent useful posts and articles on educational policy issues (You might also be interested in seeing all my “Best” lists related to education policy here):

California spends more on schools with the neediest kids. Here’s how it’s succeeded, and failed. is from CAL Matters.


This year it’s a slow crawl to financial aid packages for students is from NPR.

Though I don’t agree with all of his conclusions (particularly about his critique of school closures), I think this piece from Kevin Drum is useful: Remote learning during COVID was harmful but limited

LAUSD launches Ed, the nation’s first AI ‘personal assistant’ for students is from Ed Source.

Ed Department error may delay student financial aid further is from NPR.

I’m adding this video to The “Best” Resources For Learning About The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict:

Raw data: Teacher pay in the US is from Kevin Drum.

The post-2020 surge in calls for banning books, visualized is from The Washington Post. I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Banned Books Week.