> Marilyn Chu References

Chu, M. & Korsmo, J. (2018). Moving from toolkits to relationships: Family engagement for systems change, Journal of Educational Controversy: Vol. 13: No. 1, Article 1.  https://cedar.wwu.edu/jec/vol13/iss1/1

Chu, M. & Sopher-Dunn, K. (2021). Relationship-based early childhood professional development: Leading and learning for equity. New York, Routledge.

Cook, C.R., Lyon, A.R., Locke, J. et al. (2019). Adapting a Compilation of Implementation Strategies to Advance School-Based Implementation on Research and Practice. Prev Sci 20, 914–935.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11121-019-01017-1

Loper, A., Woo, B., & Metz, A. (2021). Equity Is Fundamental to Implementation Science. Stanford Social Innovation Review19(3), A3–A5. https://doi.org/10.48558/QNGV-KG05