Every month I make a short list highlighting my choices of the best resources I shared through (and learned from) Twitter, but didn’t necessarily include them in posts here on my blog.
I’ve already shared in earlier posts this month several new resources I found on Twitter — and where I gave credit to those from whom I learned about them. Those are not included again in this post.
If you don’t use Twitter, you can also check-out all of my “tweets” on my Twitter profile page or subscribe to their RSS feed.
Here are my picks for September’s Best Tweets (not listed in any order):
Nine Myths About Public Schools by Gerald Bracey (Thanks to Margaret Haun for the tip)
Making Education Policy: Is Research in the Mix?
Curiosity, Ingenuity and Styrofoam Science, excellent article on “open-ended curiosity” from The Atlantic
29 Rare & Exotic Animal Photographs
10 Things Global Warming Could Change Forever
Infographic analyzing nutritional content of typical school lunch
Great resources on “Essential Questions”
Good critique of “merit pay” (Thanks to David Cohen)
12 Shocking Ideas That Could Change the World from Wired Magazine
Learning From Mistakes Beats Learning From Success (Thanks to Nancy Blair)
Top 10 Time-Lapse Videos Show Nature at Work
New York Times article on programmers working in pairs is similar to social learning in schools (thanks to Katie Day)
Putting Poverty in Its Place, the challenge of “neighborhood” based approaches (thanks to Alexander Russo
Infographic: The Most Frugal Cities In America
50 Stunning & Inspirational Stop Motion Videos
The 50 best things to eat in the world, and where to eat them
“Is Happiness Catching?” — pretty interesting article in The New York Times Magazine
New Book by Malcolm Gladwell
Interesting interactive on climate change (Thanks to Ozge)
Wired Infographic on which parts of the US are most guilty of each of the 7 Deadly Sins
Lego Versions of 13 Classic Photographs
Using Technology to Support Creativity and Critical Thinking
“Is Online Learning REALLY Better?”
Visual Effects: 100 Years of Inspiration
You might also want to check out other collections of tweets at Mission to Learn and at Shelly Terrell’s blog.
Good one links, liked post about online learning.
thanks a lot!