Every month I make a short list highlighting my choices of the best resources I shared through (and learned from) Twitter, but didn’t necessarily include them in posts here on my blog. Now and then, in order to make it a bit easier for me, I may try to break it up into mid-month and end-of-month lists.
I’ve already shared in earlier posts several new resources I found on Twitter — and where I gave credit to those from whom I learned about them. Those are not included again in this post.
If you don’t use Twitter, you can also check-out all of my “tweets” on my Twitter profile page or subscribe to their RSS feed.
Here are my picks for April’s Best Tweets — Part Two (not listed in any order):
“Natural Disasters from 1900-2008 Infographic”
Your Credit Score Demystified Infographic
“The Journey Of A Successful Blog Post” Infographic
World Population & Ownership of Global Assets Infographic
How soap operas could save the world, Boston Globe
8 moments that shaped the environmental movement, slideshow
“No Value Added: The Mismeasurement of Teaching Quality” by David Cohen
Fun Analogies and Metaphors Found in High School Essays
Teaching: No ‘Fallback’ Career, NY Times
Stanford charter school and ‘confirmation bias’, Wash Post
Can Messy Be A Sign Of Brilliance?
How Long Does It Take To Become a “Good” Teacher? Larry Cuban
You might also be interested in seeing a list of favorite tweets at Shelly Terrell’s blog.
Oh Larry, the link to “Can Messy Be a Sign of Brillance” is broken, and I was so hopeful!!
I think it is!
It’s fixed now. Thanks for letting me know.