I haven’t used Wikis, and don’t quite understand how or why to use them.
However, I learned about a site from Lucy Gray’s excellent A Teacher’s Life blog that gives a good explanation about how to utilize them in education, and provides a lot of resources. It’s called Classroom 2.0 Wikis.
I’ve placed the link on my Teacher’s Page under the Wikis section.
The site appears to be relatively new, but looks like it will become a great resource to learn about all sorts of Web 2.0 tools and education.
Hi Larry!
I felt exactly like you about 2 years ago.. I even got to nearly hating them as I couldn’t make head or tail of them for months… :-P!
Now I find wikis an essential tool in my blended courses! You may want to have a look at a slideshow on this topic Ma. Claudia and I shared at a presentation last Feb.
Keep this great blog rocking!
Thanks for the comment and the link. The slideshow looks great!