A few days I wrote a post titled What Do You Do When You’re Having A Bad Day At School?
Writing it helped my thinking and my teaching and, based on the response it has received, others found it useful, as well.
After thinking a little more about it, I’ve decided to begin (as an experiment) a series of monthly “What Do You Do…?” posts. Each one will focus on questions or challenges that I face in my teaching and ones that I think others might share, too. I’ll let readers know about that month’s topic a couple of weeks in advance, and invite people to offer suggestions that come out of their own experience.
The next question will be What Do You Do To Keep Students (& You!) Focused Near The End Of The School Year?
At least in the United States, many school districts have about two months left before summer vacation, and that always brings its challenges.
I hope readers will share their suggestions in the comments section. May 7th will be the deadline for contributions.
Future topics might include:
What Do You Do On The First Day Of School?
What Do You Do When You’re Feeling Burnt-Out?
What Do You Do When You’ve Finished You’re Lesson, But Have Five or Ten Minutes Of Classtime Left?
What Do You Do To Help Students Develop Intrinsic Motivation?
Suggestions for further topics are welcome.
Please share them, as well as responses to the question What Do You Do To Keep Students Focused (& You!) Near The End Of The School Year?, in the comments.
It’s a perfect time to do Readers’ Theatre! My favorite source is Aaron Shepard’s website, http://www.aaronshep.com. He has tons of scripts available for teachers, free.