Google’s AI continues throw AI at the wall to see if anything sticks, and they’re still not being that successful.
They’ve continued their streak of cool, though not that useful, tools with four more they recently announced.
Of the four, Talking Tours is the one with the most, though still limited, potential.
It now has over fifty famous locations around the world the you can click on and then hear an AI-generated audio tour of the place. In addition, you can ask any questions you want. It could have some possible use with English Language Learners and others in Geography classes, especially since it provides an audio transcript in real-time. However, the AI speaks at a pretty fast clip, and it doesn’t seem to offer the ability to reduce the speed.
If this kind of stuff is the greatest the best minds at Google can think up for AI use, I think it’s a pretty safe bet to say we are, indeed, in an AI bubble that will eventually burst.
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