Infographics are visual representation of information, and can be interactive or just a static image. I have quite a few “The Best…” lists related to them, and you can find them all at A Collection Of “The Best…” Lists On Infographics.
Over the past few days, quite a few infographic — both interactive and static — have been published on the Web. Here are links to my favorites:
The world’s favourite foods is a very interesting interactive map from The Guardian. I’m adding it to The Best Sites For Learning About The World’s Different Cultures.
60 Seconds on the Web represents everything that happens on the Internet every minute. I’m adding it to The Best Sites To Learn About The Internet.
The Opportunity Gap is an infographic from GOOD. I’m adding it to The Best Resources About Wealth & Income Inequality.
The BBC has an interactive chart builder that lets you compare Asian countries (and the U.S. and the U.K.) in terms of wealth, health, life expectancy, education and energy consumption. I’m adding it to the same “The Best…” list on inequality.
Worst places in the world for women is an interactive from The Guardian. I’m adding it to The Best Sites For Learning About Women’s History.
Here are two different “Life expectancy across the U.S.” interactive maps showing every county in the country. One is from The Washington Post and the other is from Health Metrics.
Thanks for the infographics Larry! Not only do I love them, but my students love to analyze all of the data found in them.
Jeff @TeacherThink