Note that the original title of this post was “Deeper Learning” In The News Today. I have since turned it into a “Best” list.
Many in the ed world have heard the term “deeper learning,” but I’m not really sure how many educators really know what it means.
I’ve previously published a couple of useful posts on it:
Very Good Video: “Diving Into Deeper Learning”
Yesterday, one big report was released showing that deeper learning is effective in helping students learn and, today, a far more interesting report – written by Barnett Berry from the Center For Teaching Quality – was released focused on how to effectively actually implement in schools.
First off, you can read an article in Education Week that discusses the findings of a new study by the American Institutes for Research that found using deeper learning can increase graduation rates and more.
Teacher leadership & deeper learning for all students is the title of Barnett Berry’s report.
Here’s his definition of “deeper learning”:
What does this look like at the classroom level? Instruction designed around deeper learning involves student voice and choice, incorporates feedback and revision, and typically culminates with a publicly presented product or performance. For example, students aren’t expected merely to supply answers to row after row of math problems—but instead must explain how they are using and applying concepts relevant to algebra, geometry, and calculus. Similarly, deeper learning requires that American history courses go far beyond memorization of names and dates; rather, students … must use the tools of historians to analyze the U.S. Constitution and write about the federal role in immigration policy.
In other words, deeper learning emphasizes critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration and knowledge transfer.
Barnett’s paper suggests that, in order to ensure that this kind of learning reaches all of our students, including those facing multiple challenges, then teacher leadership must be strengthened. This point is strengthened by the report written about in Ed Week — even though researchers found that deeper learning benefited all students in the schools they studied, it appeared to help lower-income students less.
Barnett points to schools that have had exceptional success applying deeper learning for all students, and identifies that increased leadership roles of teachers as a critical part of that accomplishment. He writes:
It’s a report well-worth reading…
Here are some more resources:
Equal Opportunity for Deeper Learning is from Jobs For The Future.
The Implications of Deeper Learning for Adolescent Immigrants and English Language Learners is also from Jobs For The Future.
How Deeper Learning Can Create a New Vision for Teaching
Deeper Learning Planning Guide
Deeper Learning From AIR
DEEPER LEARNING COMPETENCIES is from the Hewlett Foundation
Advancing Deeper Learning Under ESSA: Seven Priorities is from Stanford.
Deeper Learning: ‘Skills That Everyone Needs’ is from The Education Writers Association.
What Are the Best Strategies for Surface to Deep Learning? is by Peter DeWitt.
Three Studies Show Impact of Deeper Learning is from The American Institutes For Research.
Why Dewey Needs Freire, and Vice Versa: A Call for Critical Deeper Learning is from Ed Week.
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