I’m beginning to republish posts that made it onto my A LOOK BACK: 2019’S BEST POSTS FROM THIS BLOG – PART TWO list.


Don’t even ask me to explain all the details of this new study, Reciprocal Effects between Reading Achievement and Intrinsic and Extrinsic Reading Motivation.

However, I did understand its section titled “Practical implications for teaching practices” (oh, how I wish more research papers had sections with that title!), and the excerpt at the top of this blog post comes from that portion of the paper.

Of course, there are lots of suggestions and resources out there for teaching reading comprehension and strategies (see The Best Posts On Reading Strategies & Comprehension – Help Me Find More!).

And there are a fair number of ideas specifically challenging extrinsic motivators for reading (see the recent four-part series at my Ed Week column about reading logs and A Beginning List Of The Best Posts & Articles On Accelerated Reader).

I wonder, though, how many teachers really have good strategies in mind for cultivating student intrinsic motivation for reading beyond independent reading (which certainly is a good one – see The Best Resources Documenting The Effectiveness of Free Voluntary Reading).

Some other ideas are listed at Best Posts On Books: Why They’re Important & How To Help Students Select, Read, Write & Discuss Them.

However, if readers are willing, I’d love to start a list of people’s ideas.

How do you encourage your students to become intrinsically motivated to read?

I’m adding this post to Best Posts On “Motivating” Students.