Broadcastr is a new site that lets you record audio for up to three minutes and then “attach” it to a map location. It also gives you the url address of your recording.
This could be a great resource for English Language Learners and all students. They could write, and then record, reflections from a field trip, describe their home countries, talk about something that happened in a particular place in a work of fiction, and then attach it to that geographical location. In addition to being there for an “authentic audience” (someone other than their teacher and classmates), the link to the recording can be posted on a student/teacher blog or website.
The site says it will soon offer the option of embedding the recording. I’ve also written to them asking if there was any chance of them adding the capability of grabbing images off the web (with its url address). Now you can upload image per recording.
I’m adding Broadcastr to to two “The Best…” lists:
The Best Sites To Practice Speaking English
Thanks to TechCrunch for the tip.
Hi Larry, thanks for the excellent tip on Broadcastr. We use a lot of video on various projects and sites, and this looks a lot more user friendly. Perfect idea for the students, as you mention.