In yet another attempt to get at the enormous backlog I have of sites worth blogging about, I post a regular feature called “The Week In Web 2.0.” (you might also be interested in The Fifty Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education In 2016). I also sometimes include tech tools or articles about them that might not exactly fit the definition of Web 2.0:
Vine shuts off sharing, launches Vine Camera is from TechCrunch. I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Learning To Use The Video Apps “Vine” & Instagram.
The Delicious bookmarking tool has a long and honored history. They moved from the “delicious” url address last year to “” and had been automatically redirecting site visits. Unfortunately, last month they apparently stopped those automatic redirects without any notice to their users. It’s still a good service, and I’ve used it for many bookmarks over the years, particularly over 2,500 and counting categorized for IB Theory of Knowledge teachers and students. I have now changed the url addresses at Over 2,500 Categorized Resources For IB Theory Of Knowledge Classes so they no longer go to dead links.
Speaking of bookmarking, Diigo is clearly the superior bookmarking tool (I use both diigo and delicous to back-up all of mine). My grip against diigo has been its requirement for a downloaded bookmarklet in order to annotate saved webpages. Recently, however, you can now annotate saved webpages without installing anything — you can highlight, make comments and share them. It’s a great development, and I’m adding it to The Best Applications For Annotating Websites.
6 simple web-based applications for short writing tasks is a nice list of sites that don’t require any registration to use. They are from the “On The Same Page” blog. You might also be interested in The “All-Time” Best Ways To Create Online Content Easily & Quickly.
THE EDUCATOR’S GUIDE TO COPYRIGHT, FAIR USE, AND CREATIVE COMMONS is by Sue Waters. I’m adding it to The Best Resources To Learn About Copyright Issues(I need to revise and update that list).
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