TeroVesalainen / Pixabay
In addition to full-time teaching at Luther Burbank High School (this will be my sixteenth year teaching there!), I’ve got a few other things on my agenda over the next twelve months, and thought readers might be interested in hearing about them:
Long-Term English Language Learners
My fairly lengthy article about last year’s pilot at our school to support Long-Term ELLs will appear in the December issue of ASCD Educational Leadership. We’re doing the project again this year, so that should give you a clue about how it went.
Student Motivation
Look for a four-part video series – sometime in the coming months – that Katie Hull and I are doing with Education Week.
Three-Volume “Toolbox” Series
Three books in the amazing series that Katie Hull and I have been editing will be published by Jossey-Bass next April. Check out The Math Teacher’s Toolbox, The Science Teacher’s Toolbox, and The Social Studies Teacher’s Toolbox.
Second Edition Of The ESL/ELL Teacher’s Survival Guide
Katie and I will be finishing-up a greatly-expanded edition of our popular The ESL/ELL Teacher’s Survival Guide.
The Usual
I’ll be continuing to blog here, writing the Classroom Q&A blog over at Ed Week, hosting a weekly BAM! Radio Show, and writing periodically for the British Council. Of course, I’ll also be writing my annual Washington Post columns doing both a round-up of the year’s big education news and making my predictions for the new year.
Wish me luck!
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