Here are some recent useful posts and articles on educational policy issues (You might also be interested in seeing all my “Best” lists related to education policy here):
Michael Bloomberg pledges $750 million to expand charter schools is from The Washington Post. I’m adding it to The Best Posts & Articles Analyzing Charter Schools.
13 ways charter schools shape their enrollment is from The Washington Post. I’m adding it to the same list.
I’m adding this tweet to the same list:
In some districts, charter schools that educate a minority of kids are literally bankrupting the school districts they draw from that serve a majority of children. The minority benefit at the expense of the many. This is a failed model.
— noliwe rooks (@nrookie) December 3, 2021
After Michigan Killings, Students Praised Shooter Drills. But Do They Really Work? is from The NY Times.
In the Michigan Shooting, What Is the School’s Responsibility? is from The NY Times.
While Politics Consume School Board Meetings, a Very Different Crisis Festers is from The NY Times.
A Way to Break the Cycle of Poverty is from The NY Times.
This is nice recognition but, of course, the best ways to support teachers are by enacting gun control, not stopping us from teaching anti-racism, reducing class sizes, including us in district & school decision-making, & increasing our pay
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) December 3, 2021
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