geralt / Pixabay


At least, for now, I’m going to make this a weekly feature which will highlight additions to THE BEST NEW – & FREE – ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOLS THAT COULD BE USED IN THE CLASSROOM.

Here are the latest:

Edit images through AI at I’m adding it to The Best Sites For Online Photo-Editing & Photo Effects.

Welma simplifies sentences and paragraphs through the use of AI.  I’m adding it to The Best Places To Get The “Same” Text Written For Different “Levels”

Wow To lets you make “how to” videos through the use of AI. You can make several for free. I’m adding it to THE BEST TOOLS FOR STUDENTS TO CREATE TUTORIALS ONLINE.

Stock AI lets you generate images via text, though it’s unclear to many how many you can make for free.

Excelformulabot turns text instructions into Excel and Google Sheets formulas.  You can use it several times for free before you have to pay.

Explain Like I’m Five will use AI to explain anything to you…like you are a five year old.