It’s been a hell of a way to spend our summer vacation, but we have completed revising the forty-five chapters that now appear in the first edition of The ELL Teacher’s Toolbox.

The majority have been revised between twenty–and-thirty-five percent (and some more). In addition, all the technology sections have been updated, and most include ways to utilize Artificial Intelligence. Plus, each chapter will include infographics designed by Jennifer Borgioli Binis.

Next up: We have to write sixteen brand-new chapters (actually, Valentina Gonzalez, Carol Salva, and Stephen Fleenor are writing two of them, so Katie and I have to write fourteen of them)!

Those, however, will have to take a backseat to us actually teaching for awhile 🙂

The final manuscript should be submitted about a year from now, with publication expected in early Spring, 2025.

Because the book is so long, at least eleven of the chapters, and references for all sixty-one chapters, will be online, along with downloadable versions of the zillion Figures. As is usual for all our books, all the online materials will be available for free with no registration required.

From what we understand, a new edition of a book is typically expected to have thirty percent of new content.  As readers of our second edition of The ESL/ELL Teacher’s Survival Guide know,  we aim for over forty percent of new content.  And, since our books are usually over 150,000 words, forty percent is basically the equivalent of a brand new normal size book!