geralt / Pixabay


At least, for now, I’m going to make this a weekly feature which will highlight additions to THE BEST NEW – & FREE – ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOLS THAT COULD BE USED IN THE CLASSROOM.

Here are the latest:

Artimator is a new free text-to-image generator. I’m adding it to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING & LEARNING WITH AI ART GENERATION TOOLS.

Lit Grades is yet another AI-powered flash card maker. I’m adding it to The Best Tools To Make Online Flashcards.

Chat GPT Photos is another text-to-image generator.

Resume Trick is yet another AI site for creating…resumes.  I’m adding it to The Best Places For Students To Write Their Resumes.

Video Translate will….translate your videos.

Upload your data to GenChartAI, write in a sentence what chart you want it to use, and it’s created like that.  I’m adding it to The Best Tools To Make Simple Graphs Online.