As regular readers know, I’ve been doing the Classroom Q&A column over at Education Week for thirteen years.

And I plan to continue doing it for quite a few more years.

I have so many contributors now, though, that there really isn’t space there for my annual thematic compilation posts, where I collect links to all the posts on particular topics.

So, I’m starting to do it here instead, and this is the fifth one.

Today’s theme is Challenging Normative Gender Culture to Support All Students:

1. ‘We All Have LGBTQ Students, Whether We Know It or Not’

Three educators provide suggestions to support LGBTQ students, including respecting pronouns and having LGBTQ authors in classroom libraries. Read more.

2. Strategies for Supporting LGBTQ Students

Three educators share ways to help LGBTQ students. Read more.

3. Six Ways Educators Can Support LGBTQ Students During COVID-19

Two educators share suggestions on how to support LGBTQ students in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, including “using appropriate names and pronouns.” Read more.

4. Sexual Harassment & Assault in Schools

Six educators share stories of sexual harassment at school and offer recommendations on how teachers can respond to it, including through educating themselves and students alike. Read more.

5. Challenges Faced by Women Teachers & Ways to Respond to Them

Educators Megan M. Allen, Rusul Alrubail, Pernille Ripp, Amy Williams, and Patricia (Tish) Jennings contribute commentaries in this post. Read more.

6. Wondering ‘How Gender Influences a Teacher’s Struggles & Successes’

This post features educator Ray Salazar, who, in addition to sharing his personal experiences and thoughts, interviewed other teachers. Read more.

7. Male Teachers ‘Walking a Tight Rope’

New York City teacher José Vilson and Sacramento, Calif., educator Alice Mercer share their ideas. In addition, I’ve included many reader comments. Read more.