I’ve got a few minutes before our Back-To-School Night begins, and I thought this might be a good opportunity to put together a quick “The Best…” list on the flooding in Georgia.
We’re right in the middle of a unit on Natural Disasters in our ninth-grade mainstream English classes, so there will be a high-degree of interest from out students in that tragedy. Floods are always topical here in Sacramento because we are now the major U.S. city most likely to be inundated by a major flood.
Here’s a short list of The Best Sites To Learn About Georgia’s Floods (and are accessible to English Language Learners):
Floods Overwhelm Georgia is a slideshow from TIME Magazine.
Deadly Floods In Georgia is a video from CBS News.
The New York Times has a slideshow called Southern Waters Rising.
Underwater In Georgia is a slideshow from the Wall Street Journal.
MSNBC has several videos about the flooding.
Here are videos and photos from the Atlanta Journal Constitution.
“Flooding In The Southwest” is the title of the latest series of photos from The Boston Globe’s Big Picture blog.
Feedback, of course, is always welcome.
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