School vouchers that would allow parents pay private school tuition with public money has been in the news over the past week — both in Washington, D.C. and in Colorado.

Given these events, I thought it would be useful to readers and to me to bring together some resources on the issue. I’ve also included more general articles on the idea of school “choice.”

I hope others will provide additional suggestions.

Here are my choices for The Best Resources For Learning Why School Vouchers Are A Bad Idea:

Rethinking Schools has an impressive collection of articles titled Struggle Against Vouchers Continues in Milwaukee and Across Nation.

Walt Gardner at Ed Week has two good posts. One it titled Eternal Vouchers and the other is When School Reformers Disagree.

Grasping At Straws was written by Liam Goldrick.

Lessons—Better Than a Voucher, a Ticket to Suburbia is by Richard Rothstein.

Choice schools not outperforming MPS is the headline of a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article.

Vouchers making a comeback, but why? is by Diane Ravitch, and it appeared in The Washington Post.

Report: How voucher landscape is widening comes from Valerie Strauss at The Washington Post.

The ugly truth about “school choice” is from Salon.

The Illusions of School Choice is by Renee Moore.

What Can Voucher Fans Learn from the Space X Mission? is by Bill Ferriter.

Key questions for Democrats on ‘school choice’ is from The Washington Post.

With Vouchers, States Shift Aid for Schools to Families is from The New York Times.

Quote Of The Day: Instead Of Vouchers…..

The doubts of a school choice supporter is by Sam Chaltain.

The hype and reality of ‘school choice’ is by Valerie Strauss.

8 Reasons Why School Vouchers Are A Very Bad Idea is from The AFT.

Obama smacks Bill O’Reilly on school vouchers is from Valerie Strauss.

A Grand Compromise: Supporting School Choice Without Savaging Poor Kids is by Richard Kalhlenberg.

The Unsurprising Limits of School Choice in New Orleans & Elsewhere is by John Thompson.

‘School Choice’ and Disenfranchising the Public is by Peter Greene appeared in the Huffington Post and a related piece by a School Superintendent, titled Vouchers still vouchers by any other name, appeared in a San Antonio newspaper — both are very good.

How do schools respond to competition? Not as you might expect. is from The Washington Post.

Nevada Legislature Goes To Crazytown With New Voucher Law

Why Vouchers Won’t Fix Vegas Schools is from The New York Times.

Nevada high court blocks funding for school choice program is from The Associated Press.

Vouchers Could Be the Big Winner in Trump’s School Choice Plan, but Is That a Victory for Students? is from The 74.

School Vouchers 101: What They Are, How They Work — And Do They Work? is from NPR.

‘School choice’ or ‘privatization’? A guide to loaded education lingo in the Trump era is from The Washington Post.

How Indiana’s school voucher program soared, and what it says about education in the Trump era is from The Washington Post.

Milwaukee’s Voucher Verdict is from The American Prospect.

Why the racist history of school vouchers matters today is from Think Progress.

The real meaning of school choice is by Nancy Vera.

A Case Study for Betsy DeVos’s Educational Utopia is from The Atlantic, and is about Nevada’s failed voucher program.

A vote for DeVos is a vote for resegregation is from CNN.

Dismal Voucher Results Surprise Researchers as DeVos Era Begins is from The New York Times.

Seven Reasons Why School Choice ≠ School Reform is from Learning First.

‘Tax Credit Scholarships,’ Praised By Trump, Turn Profits For Some Donors is from NPR.

For Trump and DeVos, a Florida Private School Is a Model for Choice is from The New York Times.

DeVos and Tax Credit Vouchers: Arizona Shows What Can Go Wrong is from The New York Times.

America Needs Public School Choice, Not Private School Vouchers is by Richard Kahlenberg. Yup, on the same list.

Education for Sale? is by Linda Darling Hammond.

School Choice Fight in Iowa May Preview the One Facing Trump is from The New York Times.

Key Democratic senator outlines a case against school vouchers is from The Washington Post.

Arizona Frees Money for Private Schools, Buoyed by Trump’s Voucher Push is by Dana Goldstein.

The Political Parallels and Contradictions of the School Choice, Food Choice — Er, Food Stamps — Debate is by Matt Barnum.

Special Ed School Vouchers May Come With Hidden Costs is from The New York Times.

DeVos praises this voucher-like program.

How School Choice Turns Education Into a Commodity is from The Atlantic.

Vouchers Found to Lower Test Scores in Washington Schools is from The New York Times.

Mother Jones has a similar article: This Report Card for Betsy DeVos’ Favorite Education Policy Is Pretty Bad

Three big problems with school ‘choice’ that supporters don’t like to talk about is from The Washington Post.

The Promise And Peril Of School Vouchers is from NPR.

Indiana’s School Choice Program Often Underserves Special Needs Students is from NPR.

For Families With Special Needs, Vouchers Bring Choices, Not Guarantees is also from NPR.

When School Vouchers Don’t Offer Much Of A Choice is from NPR.

What ‘school choice’ means in the era of Trump and DeVos is from The Washington Post.

Setback for Groundbreaking School Choice Program Could Have Broader Fall Out is from Ed Week.

Supreme Court Rules Religious School Can Use Taxpayer Funds For Playground is from NPR.

Beyond scraped knees: The implications of a Missouri playground on state voucher programs is from Brookings.

Trump Administration Advances School Vouchers Despite Scant Evidence is from Scientific American.

When Privatization Means Segregation: Setting the Record Straight on School Vouchers is by Leo Casey.

Trump Administration Advances School Vouchers Despite Scant Evidence is from Scientific American.

Why School Choice is the Last Thing America Needs to Solve Its Huge Racial Wealth Gap appeared at Alternet.

Precious Little Evidence’ That Vouchers Improve Achievement, Recent Research Finds is from Ed Week.

Undercutting Our Democracy Through Vouchers is by Richard Kahlenberg.

Trump and DeVos love ‘Education Savings Accounts.’ You should know how they really work is from The Washington Post.

When School Choice Means School’s Choice is from The Atlantic.

Do voucher students’ scores bounce back after initial declines? New research says no is from Chalkbeat.

Reformers must stop whitewashing ‘choice’ is by Andre Perry.


School Choice Was the Main Policy Mentioned at Monday’s RNC. Why? is from Slate.

‘School choice’ policies are associated with increased separation of students by social class is from The Conversation.

‘School choice’ developed as a way to protect segregation and abolish public schools appeared in The Washington Post.

An argument for why school vouchers harm American civic life appeared in The Washington Post.

Why School Choice is Roiling the GOP is from US News.

School Choice and the False Promise of Parent ‘Empowerment’ is by Peter Greene.

Maine’s End Run Around the Supreme Court Offers States a Blueprint on Guns is from The NY Times.

After two decades of studying voucher programs, I’m now firmly opposed to them is from The Hechinger Report.

Study Finds No Surprise – Schools That Get Vouchers Push Out Students Facing Challenges

School Vouchers: There Is No Upside is from The Shanker Institute.

Politicians Want Universal School Vouchers. But What About The Public? is from Five Thirty Eight.

A Conversation About School Choice is from Cult of Pedagogy.

Time to Rein in Vouchers is from School Finance 101.

Good round-up on the school voucher origin story—and where things stand with today’s right-wing billionaires demanding vouchers heading into federal/state legislative sessions.

(With some info from yours truly)…

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— Josh Cowen ( December 26, 2024 at 2:49 PM

How Religious Schools Became a Billion-Dollar Drain on Public Education…

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— Larry Ferlazzo ( January 13, 2025 at 3:45 AM

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