As regular readers know, I write a lot about using online learning games with students. In fact, if you go to my page listing all 760 “The Best…” lists you’ll see many under “Games.”
But Canadian secondary Social Studies teacher Mike Farley has gone far beyond my sharing of games. He writes a blog where he lists the links to fifteen excellent Social Studies-related games. That’s nice, but you can find those links in my “The Best…” lists. But what Mike also shares in his blog are student hand-outs for all those games. I don’t think you’ll find these kinds of resources anywhere else on the Web, and they’re a gold mine! Even if you don’t want to use some of them, they are excellent models that can be easily modified.
Go check them out, and I think Mike has earned a big thank you from all of us for creating those materials and sharing them with the rest of us.
Hi Larry,
I wanted to let you know about a social studies website out there that encourages student inquiry. The site is laid out like a virtual book but with tons of videos, links, pictures, and interesting stories.