I’ve started a somewhat regular feature where I share a few posts and resources from around the Web related to ESL/EFL or to language in general that have caught my attention:
Self-publishing in ELT (Part 1) and How to become a published ELT writer in the digital era – 10 insiders’ tips are both from ELT Jam. I’m adding them to So, You Want To Write A Book? Here’s The Best Advice…
Q&A: Stanford researcher on learning English in today’s multiethnic classrooms is from…Stanford.
Carissa Peck has announced the next ESL/EFL/ELL Blog Carnival will be published in early September and the theme will be pronunciation. Read her post to learn the details, including on how to contribute a post.
Adam Simpson posted about The BBC Motion Gallery, which has zillions of short clips. It’s particularly useful to teachers outside of Great Britain, since they are viewable in the United States and elsewhere. Most other BBC video clips for education are blocked for viewing outside that country.
My That’s English blogs about Omnilexica, a new online dictionary that English Language Learners might find useful. Type in the word, and you see, hear, and see multiple examples of its use.
And here are a couple of tweets ELL teachers might find useful:
New @BritishCouncil publication on ELT for migrants and refugees: http://t.co/dW1eNqEluq (editor's intro) via @SophiaKhan4 #AusELT #eltchat
— Lesley (@cioccas) August 3, 2013
My recent quizzes testing teacher language knowledge. Do you cut the mustard? http://t.co/Lxn6mhpXMn
— David Deubelbeiss (@ddeubel) August 1, 2013
Thanks for submitting your blog to the Carnival! Can’t wait to see what else comes in 🙂