Earlier this year I posted Here Are Two Activities I’ll Be Doing With My ELL Students The Day We Come Back From Break, which I included a lesson I did with students sharing research on how having cellphones out hurt cognitive performance.

It ended up being quite effective, probably more so than anything else I’ve done around cellphones. With periodic reminders of the research when students had their phones our when we weren’t using them for class, it seemed to reduce inappropriate phone use and reduced classroom tension (it’s nicer for me to say “Remember what we learned about leaving phones on the desk” instead of “Please put your phone away.”)

Now, another study has found similar results.

You can read about it at The mere presence of your smartphone reduces brain power, study shows.

Here’s an excerpt:


I’m adding it to The Best Posts On Student Cellphone Use In Class — Please Contribute More.

(Here’s another report on the same research: Are Smartphones Making Us Stupid?)