Using Station Rotation in PD for Supporting English Language Learners is from Edutopia. 

Learning stations, also called interactive stations, usually involve small groups of students rotating through several “stations” in different parts of the classroom and completing various activities at each one.

Here are some useful related resources (please suggest more):

Using Stations to Engage Secondary Students: 3 Ways to Incorporate Movement Into Learning is from Literary Maven.

Create Small Learning Communities with the Station Rotation Model is from Catlin Tucker.

Using centers to differentiate for English learners is from Multi-Briefs.

Student-Led Learning Centers in Secondary Classrooms is from ASCD.

Literacy Centers for Multilingual Students is from the Teaching Channel:

Literary Analysis Through Interactive Stations is from The Teaching Channel:

Station Learning Engages High School English Students is by Starr Sackstein.

Supporting English Language Learners Through Station Rotation is from ASCD.

Power Lesson: Note-Taking Stations appeared in Cult of Pedagogy.

Station Rotation Model: Alternative Group Formations is from Catlin Tucker.

Station Rotation in World Language Classes is from Edutopia.

Station Rotation in an Era of Social Distancing is from Catlin Tucker.

Using Station Rotation in PD for Supporting English Language Learners is from Edutopia.

Reading Stations is from Facing History.