I learned about Classmarker through Ben Rimes’ excellent blog, The Tech Savvy Educator. Classmarker is a free service that allows you to create tests, set-up online “classes,” and automatically grade students who take them. Ben’s post explains it more fully.
There seems to be an explosion in the number of similar sites, and it’s beyond me right now to do a comparison between them all. I’ve posted about several, and I have about fifteen or so of them listed on my Teacher’s Page under Create Tests and Exercises. It doesn’t seem, though, that all of them offer some of the features of Classmarker, including having online “classrooms” and their soon-to-be unveiled ability to embed tests in teacher webpages.
I look at these kinds of sites from a little different view than most, though. I primarily use them as tools for students to create tests and then have their peers take them. So I look for slightly different features.
If someone is interested in writing an analysis of these sites as a guest post in this blog, or one in their own, I’d be very happy to help share the data.
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