Here are new additions to The Best Sites To Learn About Climate Change:
The Guardian just published an infographic titled A changing pattern – world climate anomalies.
Copenhagen Climate Conference Begins is a slideshow from The Wall Street Journal.
Impact of climate change is a series of video reports from the BBC.
The Key Effects Of Climate Change is an accessible infographic from the BBC.
The Financial Times has an interactive graphic titled “Carbon emissions past and projected.”
The Guardian has A complete guide to the Copenhagen climate change summit.
Climate Change and Global Warming for Children is a very accessible animation.
Copenhagen climate change conference 2009: we look at the problems our changing planet is facing is a slideshow from The Telegraph.
What Is Global Warming? comes from the CBBC Newsround.
Loving the resources you are providing! Being a new teacher trying to take all of the technological advantages of teaching, I am thankful for the links!
By the way, these particular links will save the day for one of my coworkers!