ELT and Technology is the title of a wiki created by David Deubelbeiss of EFL Classroom 2.0. It’s chock-full of useful information.
I’m adding the link to The Best Sources For Ideas On How To Use Technology With English Language Learners.
And, speaking of David Duebelbeiss, he has also written an excellent post titled “The Teenaged Language Learner.” It’s a must-read for any secondary teacher of English Language Learners.
Larry ,
Thank you for the mention. As you know, I have lots of stuff all over the place but finally got around to this – helpful to so many new teachers entering ELT and I’ll also be giving free or near to free PD tech courses on some main tools this fall.
Anyone who’d like to write/input content is welcome to join the wiki
Thank you so much for addressing technology in the language learning classroom. I don’t think there could be anyone more technologically challenged than myself. I have returned to the classroom, after a lengthy absence to raise my family. In the time that I have been out, technology has exploded and gone way ahead of me! It is overwhelming, to say the least!
My question for you is… where would you recommend that I start? I will take classes to bring myself up to speed, but I ‘d love to implement technology right away. Is there some aspect that would not be too difficult to implement, and really engage students? Thanks for any guidance you could provide!