Over the past few weeks, I’ve written several posts about recent studies experimenting with “loss aversion” in schools — giving students and teachers cash or prizes prior to a test and then taking them away if student test scores do not meet a certain level.

I thought it would be useful to compile them (along with related posts from others) all in one “The Best…” list:

Can’t Economists Stay Away From Schools? Don’t They Have Enough Other Things To Do?

Part Two Of “Can’t Economists Stay Away From Schools?” — My Worst Fears Realized

“If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail” — Economists Go After Schools Again

More On The Effectiveness (or Ineffectiveness) Of “Loss Aversion”

“Muddled Models” — A View Of Economists From…The Economist Magazine

Those Wacky Economists Are at It Again is by Diane Ravitch.

I’ve published a piece in The Washington Post summarizing my recent posts on loss aversion and schools.

Also, here’s a new Mother Jones commentary on the topic.

Economists: Return Your Salaries for Producing Flawed Studies is by Barnett Berry.

Unbelievable! Loss Aversion Researchers Continue Their Disconnection With Classroom Reality In Upcoming Third Study

Freakonomics and the application of science to education is by Daniel Willingham.

Cash upfront the way to get teachers to rack up better student test scores, study finds is from The Chicago Sun Times.

Two Words That Could Shape the Politics of the Trade War: Loss Aversion is an interesting NY Times article.

Why the Most Important Idea in Behavioral Decision-Making Is a Fallacy


The concept of loss aversion has always seemed fishy to me, especially as it relates to schools. Now, new research suggests I might be write – see Loss aversion is not robust: A re-meta-analysis.

Please let me know if you have additional suggestions….

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