Next February, this blog will be celebrating its ten-year anniversary! Leading up to it, I’m re-starting a series I tried to do in the past called “A Look Back.” Each week, I’ll be re-posting a few of my favorite posts from the past ten years.
You might also be interested in A Look Back: Best Posts From 2007 To 2009. and A Look Back: 2010’s Best Posts From This Blog.
I originally shared this post in 2011. You might also find Best Posts On Classroom Management useful.
The New York Times has a fascinating article about Lincoln and The Mormons. It explains that he basically made a deal to leave them alone and they left him alone. This is what he told a Mormon leader:
When I was a boy on the farm in Illinois there was a great deal of timber on the farm which we had to clear away. Occasionally we would come to a log which had fallen down. It was too hard to split, too wet to burn, and too heavy to move, so we plowed around it.
In other words, there are some battles not worth fighting, which also happens to be a community organizing axiom.
I also think it’s also a good classroom management guide. We need to “keep on our eyes on the prize” and not get sucked into distracting conflicts.
If a student just keeps on forgetting to bring a pencil to class, I just give him one from a big box of golf pencils I buy at the beginning of each school year. If they don’t have paper, I have stack. I’ve got bigger fish to fry, like helping them developing intrinsic motivation to read the first book in their lives and develop an appetite for learning.
Hi Larry,
I really appreciated this post. It resonated strongly with me and got me thinking about classroom management more objectively.
Working with teachers I know how frustrating it can be when a child forgets things like a pencil, but that can be easily overcome by planning ahead. When kids have struggles it give teachers the opportunity to be there for them. Whether it’s offering a pencil from your collection of just being patient as they work through daily difficulties.
The story about Abraham Lincoln was excellent; I’m definitely going to share that.
Robyn Matus