Perlinator / Pixabay
I’ve been having some fun lately using GIFs from silent movies as metaphors for teaching life.
Some are hits, some are misses. I’ll keep adding more to this list. I’d encourage you to take a shot at them, too. Go to any of the Twitter accounts that share silent movie GIFs (and there are a lot of them), Retweet one with a comment sharing your metaphor and use the tag #edmoviegif.
You can find lots of fun education-related “Best” lists here.
What it looks like in my mind when I mess-up a lesson. However, I think it look decidedly different to students 🙂 https://t.co/3I9HEmOgSr
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) January 26, 2019
Me, when I’m lazy and don’t think through a lesson all the way through prior to teaching it https://t.co/EczZ5dqjdx
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) February 3, 2019
Me when I’m in the middle of a lesson in the computer lab and the Internet goes down https://t.co/KlfJ5PNIx8
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) February 6, 2019
Me when our district’s central office does something that actually supports teachers https://t.co/kM3bXX2lYS
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) February 6, 2019
Me when I remember in time before school that I didn’t make copies for my lesson, but then find that none of the copiers are working https://t.co/y9vlZpapHX
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) February 6, 2019
Me the day the International Baccalaureate Assessment Theory of Knowledge assessments are due and I get the last essay uploaded https://t.co/cKkEwRs2lX
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) February 6, 2019
Me as I’m teetering on the edge of a lesson FAIL and then it all goes south https://t.co/vtVdv8SeDN
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) February 8, 2019
Me on state testing day when the Internet goes down https://t.co/IS82Or0blq
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) February 9, 2019
I love teaching, but this is me at 3:00 PM on Fridays before Winter and Spring breaks https://t.co/My5Kmqn0H2
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) February 11, 2019
Me when I stick to my lesson plan even though it’s clear it’s not working https://t.co/6rX9jKjuW5
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) February 13, 2019
How I feel when – very infrequently – one of my lessons hits a home run with students https://t.co/D0tCIO2T4Y
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) February 15, 2019
Me when I’m finally caught up with grading https://t.co/THLQgWH1y9
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) February 15, 2019
Me, right before a zillion students come into my room to eat lunch, and at the moment they enter https://t.co/2HZzIl9hIg
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) February 15, 2019
Me when the last student has been picked-up by his/her parent after our annual eighteen hour field trip to San Francisco https://t.co/cCcUZWOAFT
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) February 17, 2019
Me at a district training about using a new required textbook https://t.co/kLuvCoh0dY
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) February 26, 2019
Me grading the last 20 essays: pic.twitter.com/Q1yS9p8aYs
— Megan Pankiewicz (@MeganPank) February 26, 2019
Me when I envision the broken copier or printer at school https://t.co/4uaZPIfily
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) March 3, 2019
When we finish state testing https://t.co/5x5piFAire
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) March 20, 2019
This is how it feels dealing with all the paperwork necessary in order to get a field trip approved by our district https://t.co/c1duWKeujz
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) April 10, 2019
Me, when I have just beaten the Spring deadline to upload Theory of Knowledge grades to the IB website. https://t.co/fRqEaqAXlb
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) April 28, 2019
Sometimes this is me, fighting against complacency and feelings of “running out the clock” within me and in students during the final weeks of school. https://t.co/P69J3ZsOUa
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) May 2, 2019
This is me when I rush through to “cover the content” instead of actually teaching https://t.co/5smk9q9eka
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) June 2, 2019
This is me when I get lazy when planning or teaching a lesson, and things fall apart https://t.co/bycXst62XK
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) June 4, 2019
Me (and, I bet, many other teachers) trying to keep our focus on supporting students as both they and us are buffeted by outside challenges https://t.co/wZqy282iRe
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) July 14, 2019
English Department meetings at many schools when people start discussing how much time should be spent on grammar in classes https://t.co/D4T4lChliL
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) July 17, 2019
Me, when students are surprised when the bell rings and say, “Wow, this class went so fast!” You can’t beat “flow”! https://t.co/F1FmCYoXsf
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) July 22, 2019
How I’ll feel when, and if, our district ever upgrades our ten-year-old teacher computers https://t.co/r7vQMtjzwD
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) August 12, 2019
Teachers, after an administrator announces the school has gotten two new copiers https://t.co/HW3S9NpYMt
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) August 23, 2019
Me, trying to avoid thinking about future lessons, grading, and other school-related work during Winter Break https://t.co/KCe2XOWjjN
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) December 26, 2019
Me doing everything I can to escape grading papers that are piling up https://t.co/ZX7hueydj5
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) February 21, 2020
Me on a ‘good’ day in Zoom when I’m admitting students, putting them into breakout rooms,moving in-between breakout rooms while admitting latecomers (& those who have been kicked out of Zoom b/c of Internet issues) & responding to student texts who are having Internet problems https://t.co/DqnFdtWyAD
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) November 4, 2020
Me, when it’s time to assess everyone’s final project in two weeks. https://t.co/plQtD24Z9e
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) May 15, 2021
What concurrent teaching often feels like to me https://t.co/wCzcWsdfqf
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) May 17, 2021
I hate to say this, but these are my colleagues and me in two-and-a-half weeks when THIS school year (not every school year) is over https://t.co/nsh77546ab
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) May 25, 2021
Me, when students can’t access websites they need to for lessons after the district has suddenly changed to a more restrictive filter that blocks them https://t.co/tgNeF1u0xQ
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) May 31, 2021
Between first full-time remote teaching, and then concurrent teaching, I felt like this a lot this year. https://t.co/M92GGnMngQ
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) June 7, 2021
This is me trying to figure out remote teaching when the pandemic began https://t.co/mAfdk5u3CC
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) June 27, 2021
Me doing concurrent teaching this past spring https://t.co/C5423bBeYK
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) July 8, 2021
Me, trying to get through school district paperwork in order to take students on a field trip during pre-and-post pandemic times https://t.co/rIhom8vFVJ
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) July 5, 2021
Me, when for some bizarre pandemic-related reason, our district required all mini-refrigerators to be removed from classrooms before we returned to in-person instruction and began concurrent teaching https://t.co/0Lp8DBzAXc
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) July 12, 2021
Me, during the first weeks of remote teaching in Spring, 2020 https://t.co/RACHvS5QR7
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) July 24, 2021
Me, during the last school year, trying to fight off daily exhaustion while teaching during the COVID 19 pandemic https://t.co/tjRhblQ1xe
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) July 22, 2021
This is me teaching a lot of lessons that have gone south https://t.co/r3PYxVvVZt
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) July 30, 2021
Wondering if she is all of us teachers trying to hold on and the plane is this school year https://t.co/wF8JGzlEkB
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) September 1, 2021
This is the opposite of me teaching my in-person class and simultaneously supporting quarantined students on Zoom https://t.co/3KIvAd8CBD
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) September 15, 2021
My life trying to catch-up on grading https://t.co/7jT4ScUJm9
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) September 19, 2021
Me, when I get home after a day of lessons going south, classroom management issues, and tech issues https://t.co/6V66VI5Du4
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) September 29, 2021
How I often feel about my teaching this year https://t.co/73oUAkZv2D
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) November 10, 2021
Me (and my lesson) when I neglect to included adequate scaffolding for students https://t.co/oQeAexBb0z
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) November 19, 2021
An accurate depiction of how some of my lessons have gone https://t.co/14KtIgUBDi
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) November 23, 2021
Many educators this year trying to make sense of on-going changes in quarantine policies https://t.co/mLFX9LJ2yM
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) November 22, 2021
What happened yesterday to my lesson when my computer died in the middle of class and I hadn't planned for that contingency. https://t.co/QIc1MChxMa
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) December 2, 2021
Lesson planning and grading creeping up on me during the last few days of Winter Break https://t.co/rPOKRZp4DV
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) December 28, 2021
How the leaders of some districts view their teachers https://t.co/mnlmAYzQ2q
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) January 16, 2022
I've had plenty of lessons go like this https://t.co/m0U7nvOi4d
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) February 1, 2022
This is what happens in classrooms where a teacher once told me he ‘never lets a student have the last word’ https://t.co/9wUadpherF
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) May 22, 2022
This clip accurately illustrates how some of my lessons have gone https://t.co/1SUWUdhTmd
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) August 10, 2022
These are metaphors for how a fair number of my lessons have gone over the years https://t.co/uz7gey6RPs
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) October 6, 2022
Me, how I sometimes feel about my job as a teacher https://t.co/A7iEdOQxIV
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) February 26, 2023
This is me, mentally beating back spending time this weekend assessing scores of student-written papers https://t.co/4n1HfQ3SAN
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) March 5, 2023
Live action shot of the speed at which many school districts respond to the needs, challenges, and ideas of teachers. https://t.co/ri1Xnhhu5g
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) March 16, 2023
My lesson going along swimmingly, and then the class is disrupted by hailstorm outside or a lockdown or Internet goes down or some "important" announcements come from the intercom or 2 students get into a fight or student starts crying because her boyfriend broker up w/her or…. https://t.co/Y2elymsv6m
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) July 16, 2023
I’ve had more than my share of lessons go this way https://t.co/itBJhvjUE7
— Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo) September 24, 2023
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