I thought that new – and veteran – readers might find it interesting if I began sharing my best posts from the first half of this year. You can see the entire collection of best posts from the past thirteen years here.


When teaching English Language Learners, many – if not most – of us have students repeat newly-learned words chorally.  It encourages shy students to practice pronunciation and develop more self-confidence when speaking.

And many of us – when teaching ELLs or English-proficient students – often have students pair-up and read text aloud to each other taking turns with each paragraph.  It’s a very useful engagement strategy.

As I’ve shared on several previous occasions,  though, there are other important reasons to have students repeat words and read text aloud – they are more likely to learn and remember it.

Discover Magazine had a good reminder of it in a graphic at their article, What Happens in Your Brain When You Make Memories?

I’m adding this info to a post where I share lost of related research, The Value Of Oral Reading In Partners For ELLs & Others.