I’ve previously posted about Fluent Key (see “FLUENT KEY” LOOKS LIKE A WONDERFUL VIDEO TOOL FOR ALL TEACHERS).
It “gamifies” watching a video and turns it into a Quizizz/Kahoot-like activity where students answer questions with a leaderboard.
It’s definitely an engaging way to show a video in class.
Then, last week, I posted about a new feature that Fluent Key began: Peaksay Pronunciation Game has users repeat phrases and uses AI to “grade” its accuracy. I’ve added it to THE BEST SITES FOR ONLINE PRONUNCIATION FEEDBACK – DO YOU KNOW OTHERS?
Now, over the past few days, I have discovered yet another new feature they’ve created called Peaksay Conversation.
They have a number of conversations in different languages that you can turn into a game: it speaks and shows one line, offers four choices, and you have to pick the correct line that comes next.
It seems to be set-up for individual play, but it’s easy to play in a class and have students choose the correct response. When you do that, I’d recommend using the “Learn” mode, so you don’t have to deal with the timer pressing students to make choices too quickly.
The activity has lots of other bells-and-whistles that are neat (see the image at the top of this post), but here is the best one: Any teacher can easily create their own! And when I say “easily” I mean easily! I’ve been having fun creating personalized conversations for my class, and now my students have begun creating their own conversations that I review, correct and upload. You definitely don’t want to have students themselves uploading the conversations – having ones that have not been reviewed for errors will not be helpful to anyone.
Really, what ELL or World Language teacher is not going to put this combo (Fluent Key and Peaksay) site (created by Hugo Xiong) on their list of favorites?
P.S. There isn’t full integration of the two sites yet and that sometimes creates some technical issues, so I would recommend going directly to the Fluent Key site for videos and the Peaksay site for conversation and pronunciation.
I’m adding it to The Best Sites For Developing English Conversational Skills.
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