UPDATE: Here are some resources marking the tenth anniversary:
Revisiting the Indonesian Tsunami is from CBS News.
Tsunami: Pictures from then and now is from The BBC.
The human and financial cost of the Indian Ocean tsunami – interactive is from The Guardian.
Echoes Of Tsunami is a fascinating interactive.
2004 Tsunami10 Years Later is an interactive from The Wall Street Journal
Five years ago today a tsunami hit parts of Asia and killed over 230,000 people.
Here are a few useful resources on that event that are accessible to English Language Learners:
Decisions For Recovery is a game created by the Red Cross. It puts you in the shoes of Red Cross staff and you have to make decisions of the best ways to help the affected areas recover. It’s pretty creative and eye-opening.
Survival Tsunami Story: Five Years Later is a video from ABC News.
Surviving The Tsunami: Stories of Hope is a special presentation developed by Reuters and the Red Cross/Red Crescent.
Fifth Anniversary Of The Indian Ocean Tsunami is a video from The Wall Street Journal.
The Asian Tsunami: Five Years Later is a slideshow from TIME Magazine.
CNN has several related videos here.
24 Hours That Shook Asia
Five years since the Tsunami comes from the Boston Globe’s Big Picture.
How Tsunamis Work From How Stuff Works
Asia’s Deadly Waves from The New York Times
Anatomy of A Tsunami from PBS.
The British newspaper The Guardian has a ton of interactives on the tsunami.
Here’s a free Brainpop movie on Tsunamis.
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