Here’s news from Scientific American:
Learning a new language can grow one’s perspective. Now scientists find that learning languages grows parts of the brain.
Scientists studied the brains of students in the Swedish Armed Forces Interpreter Academy, who are required to learn new languages at an alarmingly fast rate. Many must become fluent in Arabic, Russian and the Persian dialect Dari in just 13 months. The researchers compared the brains of these students to the brains of medical students who also have to learn a tremendous amount in a very short period of time, but without the focus on languages.
The brains of the language learners exhibited significant new growth in the hippocampus and in parts of the cerebral cortex. The medical students’ brains showed no observed growth.
I’m adding this info to The Best Resources For Showing Students That They Make Their Brain Stronger By Learning and to The Best Resources For Learning The Advantages To Being Bilingual.