Six years ago, in another somewhat futile attempt to reduce the backlog of resources I want to share, I began this occasional “Ed Tech Digest” post where I share three or four links I think are particularly useful and related to…ed tech, including some Web 2.0 apps.
You might also be interested in THE BEST ED TECH RESOURCES OF 2019 – PART TWO, as well as checking out all my edtech resources.
Here are this week’s choices:
Microsoft Math is a multilingual app that provides step-by-step instructions for math problems. It’s similar to other apps on The Best Apps, Online Tools & Other Resources For Math list. The key difference that I see, however, is that it provides multilingual support. In addition to adding it to the Best list I just mentioned, I’m also adding it to The Best Multilingual & Bilingual Sites For Math, Social Studies, & Science.
Proficonf is a video-conferencing tool I learned about from ChristinaSkyBox. I’m adding it to The Best Online Tools For Real-Time Collaboration.
My StoryTime is a new free tool that lets you record stories that are, in turn, supposed to be heard by your children or grandchildren. However, I wasn’t successful in getting others to be able to hear my story. It’s a new app, and they’re probably working out the kinks. It might have potential.
Transno – Quickly Turn Outlines and Notes into Mind Maps is from Richard Byrne. I’m adding it to The Best Resources On Effective Note-Taking Strategies – Help Me Find More.
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