Here’s a collection of recent education policy articles and posts:
Integral to “value-added” is a requirement that some score low is from Gotham Schools. I’m adding it to The Best Posts & Articles About The New York Court Decision Releasing Teacher Ratings.
Hard-Working Teachers, Sabotaged When Student Test Scores Slip is from The New York Times. I’m adding it to the same list.
(Un)settling the score: Is there value in releasing teachers’ ratings? is an article about the upcoming public release of teaching ratings in Tennessee.
Some progress not measurable is a good column from a New Jersey newspaper.
Blame It All On Teachers Unions is by Walt Gardner at Education Week. I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Learning Why Teachers Unions Are Important.
Why Are Teachers So Upset? is by Diane Ravitch. I’m adding it to The Best Articles For Helping To Understand Why Teacher Tenure Is Important.
Tenure Protects Good Teachers is by John Wilson at Ed Week. I’m adding it to the same list.
Charter Schools: The Good, the Bad, the…In-Between? and Studies Find Charters Vary in Quality, Creativity are both by Jackie Zubrzycki at Education Week. I’m adding them to The Best Posts & Articles Analyzing Charter Schools.
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