I’ve started a somewhat regular feature where I share a few posts and resources from around the Web related to ESL/EFL or to language in general that have caught my attention:
KQED, the San Franciso public radio and television station, has an ESL Educator Resources site with a number of useful lesson plans.
Delta Notes 1: Error Correction is by Lizzie Pinard. I’m adding it to The Best Resources On ESL/EFL/ELL Error Correction.
Principles and Guidelines for Equitable Mathematics Teaching Practices and Materials for English Language Learners is from The Journal of Urban Mathematics Education.
Common Core poses big challenge for students, big opportunity for teachers and emphasizes strategies for ELLs. I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Learning About Common Core Standards & English Language Learners.
Who Are the 2.8 Million Non-Hispanic Americans Who Speak Spanish at Home? is an interesting article from Smithsonian Magazine.
Observing, Describing & Inferring with {Picture of the Day}: Reading Photos “Closely” is from Hello Literacy. I’m adding it to The Best Ways To Use Photos In Lessons.
Structuring Team Teaching to Enhance Teaching and Learning of Literature-in English and English Language in Secondary Schools is from IISTE. Thanks to Nathan Hall for the link.
ELL Advocates Call for PARCC Tests in Spanish is from Education Week. I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Learning About The “Next Generation” Of State Testing.
A Look at ELL Performance So Far on Common-Core-Aligned Tests is from Education Week. I’m adding it to the same list.
Smarter Balanced Moves Ahead on Testing Tools for English-Learners is from Ed Week. That’s going on the same list, too.
How many hours does it take to be fluent in English? is an article from The BBC.
The nine golden rules of using games in the language classroom is a useful post from Adam Simpson.
Welcome Back to Writing with ELLs and the Common Core! is from Colorin Colorado. I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Learning About Common Core Standards & English Language Learners.
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