Here are some recent useful posts and articles on educational policy issues (You might also be interested in The Best Articles, Videos & Posts On Education Policy In 2016 – Part Two):
California school districts increased spending on administrator pay faster than teacher pay is a lengthy article just published by The Sacramento Bee. For what it’s worth, it includes this contribution from me:
Administrators come in different flavors, ranging from a middle school vice principal to the superintendent of a large district. The state further breaks down spending on administrative pay by whether it is primarily used for school administration – running a particular school – and everything else, largely central office administration. Teachers most often criticize central office staff, not school site staff, when bemoaning increased spending on administration.
“I want our school to have multiple vice principals,” said Larry Ferlazzo, an English teacher at Luther Burbank High in Sacramento who also blogs for national publication Education Week Teacher. “I would have many more concerns about central office than on the ground level.”
School Choice Fight in Iowa May Preview the One Facing Trump is from The New York Times. I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Learning Why School Vouchers Are A Bad Idea (& Other Commentaries On “Choice”).
Key Democratic senator outlines a case against school vouchers is from The Washington Post. I’m adding it to the same list.
School Closures: What Do They Mean for Students and Communities? is from Education Week. I’m adding it to The Best Posts & Articles On The Impact Of School Closures — Suggest More!
Concerns After Texas School Opens ‘Prayer Room’ That’s Attracting Muslim Students is from NPR.
A Continuum on Personalized Learning: First Draft is by Larry Cuban. I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Understanding “Personalized Learning”
Exclusive: Pisa data may be incomparable, Schleicher admits is from TES. I’m adding it to The Best Sites For Getting Some Perspective On International Test Comparison Demagoguery.
The Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of A Special Education Student is from NPR. Supreme Court sets higher bar for education of students with disabilities is from The Washington Post and covers the same case.
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