I’ve shared many ideas on how to incorporate tools like ChatGPT in the classroom (see THE BEST POSTS ON EDUCATION & CHATGPT).

I’ve also shared lesson plans, primarily in my books, about how to help students see the benefits in becoming better writers.

The advent of the former (AI) is definitely causing me to reflect and re-assess the latter because, frankly, students will be able to have AI do many (though not all) of the tasks I have previously described as essential skills.

But there are still many benefits to writing, and this list is a very beginning one to help identify them.  Eventually, this post will lead to a series of lesson plans to help students discover those advantages.

This list will grow, and I hope it will expand with the help of suggestions from readers.

Here’s what I have so far:

Why Write? is from Farnam Street.

The Benefits Of Writing

The science-based benefits of writing is from Ness Labs.

The Psychological Benefits of Writing is from Help Scout.

11 Science-Backed Ways Writing Improves Your Mind, Body and Spirit is from Global English Editing, and they also have a nice infographic.

5 Research-Backed Reasons Your Students Should Write Every Day is from Carnegie Learning.

Why Students Should Write in All Subjects is from Edutopia.

The Brain-Based Benefits of Writing for Math and Science Learning is from Edutopia.

How Does Writing Affect Your Brain? is from Neuro Relay.

Specifically for ELLs:


Writing: the language skill you cannot afford to ignore

Writing Skills in Language Learning Are More Important Than You Think!

Does Learning to Be a Good Writer Still Matter in the Age of A.I.? is from The NY Times Learning Network.