geralt / Pixabay


At least, for now, I’m going to make this a weekly feature which will highlight additions to THE BEST NEW – & FREE – ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOLS THAT COULD BE USED IN THE CLASSROOM.

Here are the latest:

Team GPT lets you collaborate while using ChatGPT.

Singify uses AI to create music.

Level to Explain will give you an explanation of any topic in various levels of complexity.

Use Stock Music to create royalty free music with AI. I’m adding it to The Best Places To Get Royalty-Free Music & Sound Effects.

Research Rabbit uses AI to organize… research. I’m adding it to The Best Tools For Academic Research.

Typpo is an intriguing video creation too.

How to talk to an AI is a useful interactive from The Washington Post.

I have not yet tried the prompt suggested in this post but, if it works, it could be a wonderful use of AI in the classroom: Choose Your Own AI Adventure: Unlocking the Educational Potential of AI-Driven Interactive Stories from Matthew Wemyss. I’m adding it to The Best Places To Read & Write “Choose Your Own Adventure” Stories.